
General characteristics of the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Petrikovsky district by the end of 2024

As of January 1, 2025, the number of small and medium–sized businesses in the district as a whole is 534, of which 419 are individual entrepreneurs, 115 are legal entities.

There have been no significant changes in the sectoral structure of small and medium-sized enterprises over the past few years. A significant share of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs remains in the retail and wholesale trade – 39.1%, in the service sector – 36.5%, in manufacturing – 15.3%, in agriculture – 4.3%, others – 4.8%.

In January-December 2024, the budget received 8.0 million rubles from the activities of SMEs, the share of which in total revenues amounted to 12.5%.

During 2024, 11 commercial organizations were established in the Petrikovsky district, 2 of them in production, and 44 individual entrepreneurs were registered.

In order to involve the unemployed in active economic activity, at the expense of the state extra-budgetary fund for social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus, in January-December 2024, support was provided in the form of subsidies for the organization of business activities to 3 unemployed citizens totaling 9.3 thousand rubles.

As of January 1, 2025, the number of individuals operating without registration as individual entrepreneurs was 246, including 8 individuals with a single tax and 238 individuals with a professional income tax.

As of January 1, 2025, 12 entities carried out activities in the field of agroecotourism.

In order to create conditions for the development and support of entrepreneurship, the Petrikovsky District Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship organized 4 meetings of the Council in 2024.

Involvement of unused property in economic turnover.

Necessary measures are being taken to identify unused and inefficiently used industrial areas of the district, as well as to identify reserves that can increase the investment attractiveness of the Petrikovsky district.

On an ongoing basis, work is underway to lease, sell, and gratuitously transfer inefficiently used areas for the implementation of investment projects. An information resource (button) "Economy" – "Real Estate" has been created on the website of the Petrikovsky district executive committee.

Industrial sites.

In 2016, 3 industrial sites with a total area of 10.3 hectares, with all necessary engineering and transport infrastructure, were created in Petrikovsky district to organize the production of goods (works, services) by small and medium-sized businesses.