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Aleinik meets with Cuba’s vice president


MINSK, 19 July (BelTA) – During his official visit to Cuba on 18 July Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Aleinik was received by Cuba’s Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa, acting Head of State during the Head’s of State absence in the country, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The parties held substantive negotiations. The agreements reached by the Belarusian delegation during the ongoing visit were consolidated. The agreements include plans to reinvigorate bilateral trade and economic relations, to launch promising projects in manufacturing, which includes the assembly of Belarusian equipment in Cuba, to step up cooperation in biotechnology, science and engineering, as well as tourism.

Cuba was particularly interested in the supply of Belarusian powdered milk that is used to feed children under six. At the moment, there is a deficit of such product in Cuba due to sanctions. Belarus reaffirmed its responsible attitude to food security matters and expressed its readiness to help Cuba out.

The parties noted that they have similar views on the ongoing global processes, reaffirmed their commitment to supporting each other in international organizations, and emphasized the high level of mutual understanding.

Interaction within the EAEU was discussed separately, taking into account Cuba’s observer status in the organization. The Cuban partners pledged to help promote Belarus’ interests in Latin America and the Caribbean.

BelTA – News from Belarus