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Belarus' CEC chief: We are ready to work with all participants of electoral process


The Central Election Commission is willing to work with all participants of the electoral process, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus Igor Karpenko told reporters prior to the CEC meeting, BelTA has learned

“In line with an established tradition, we will consider schedules and plans, preparations for the single voting day and for the elections to the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly. I would like to emphasize that the elections to the Council of the Republic will be held after the single voting day. After that, we will elect delegates to the Belarusian People’s Congress from among local deputies whom we will elect on the single voting day, and from civil society organizations,” Igor Karpenko informed.

He went on saying: “In addition to that, we will consider a number of other issues and adopt a resolution that will regulate the work of national and international observers. We will also pass several resolutions governing the formation of election commissions at all levels. A total of 19 talking points are included in the agenda of today’s CEC meeting.”

Igor Karpenko said that guidelines have been prepared for people who want to nominate candidates to the House of Representatives or local councils, as well as for those who want to be registered as candidates. “In general, the CEC is ready to work with all entities involved in the preparations and conduct of the election campaign. We will hold a number of meetings and seminars; on 24 November we will be meeting with political parties and civil society structures to explain to them legislative amendments and tell them what they should pay attention to while preparing for the election campaign,” he said.

BelTA – News from Belarus